Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Since so many people have asked, here's a photo of me as a little pup when I was with my previous family. I was about the same size as their baby when I lived with them (not that I'm much bigger now...just humor me). In this photo with me is Christian, whom I miss. Anytime I'm out and about and see babies I can't resist going over to them and giving them kisses. I'm a very senstive, gentle pug. And no, I'm not effeminate, even if Susan and Shawn do call me their "little princess". It probably stems from the fact that I carry a pink pillow in my mouth to have a sitting cushion at my disposal rather than resting on the cold, hard floor. That's just common sense, nothing to do with being girly...right?

Monday, January 30, 2006


I'll admit it, I'm a food snob. Most dogs will eat anything, but me, I will only eat the finest delicacies. For instance, I will eat dust bunnies, but NEVER doggie liver treats. However, I do have a soft spot for apples and peanut butter.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

We're back!

Had a nice trip to NJ. I really enjoyed the car ride, as you can see in this picture. This weekend I got to sleep in bed with Susan and Shawn! When I'm at home I normally crash on the couch under a pillow/blanket tent structure. I'm pretty proud of my fortress, actually. One day, when I was bored at home, I figured out how to make one all by myself. I dragged the two couch pillows together and placed the throw blanket on top. Ever since then, its become a nightly ritual. And you thought Susan was the only architect in this house! No sirree, I'm the competition.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Road Trip!

Rumor has it that I'm headed on a little trip tomorrow to Susan's parents' house in NJ. Sounds good to me. I really enjoy jumping onto the king size bed there and waking up Susan's dad in the wee hours of the morning. Last time I was there I left Susan's mom a "gift" on her fancy rug. Heehee. But she turned out to be a nice lady, I won't do that again.

I'm feeling a little better today. Shawn and Susan are helping by constantly saying what a good boy I am and how handsome I am and giving me lots of belly rubs. Admittedly, I kind of like it. And, well, I am pretty darn cute. Just look at this picture. How can anyone resist me?

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Bad Day

Susan took me to the vet to get my nails clipped. I hate when anyone gets near my feet. I'm going to spend the day sulking in bed.

Anyone out there love me? Leave me a comment so I can have something to look forward to in this otherwise depressing day.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Its kind of boring here when they both are out working all day. Luckily they're both gone only two days a week. Otherwise I always have one of them home which is nice. Its convient that Susan leaves her laptop at home when she's out. I enjoy surfing the web - checking out the pug dating sites. But I'll leave that for another post. Onto my first rant/rave:

Wow, its cold in NY in January. They tell me its actually been a warm winter so far, so I'm in for it when the cold weather hits. I have a really thin coat of fur and was much better suited for TX weather. Luckily, Susan and Shawn saw that I was having some trouble with the cold and have bought me a knit sweater, a fleece jacket and a waterproof jacket which help alot when we go outside.

But, like many other pugs I know, I prefer to go "au naturale" when I'm in the house. When I'm napping I sometimes get a bit chilly so they are kind enough to wrap me up in a blanket, as you can see in the photo. When they're not home I just crawl into their bed and stay under their comforter. I try to be sneaky about it but a few times I've left my toys in their bed by accident so they figured it out.

Susan and Shawn took away my favorite toy last night in a last ditch effort to get me to bed. But I was way too wound up to sleep so instead I just whined most of the night and kept them awake. Ha! That'll teach them to not mess with me.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

An Introduction

I have a little (ok, a LOT of) time on my hands, so I thought I'd give the world an opportunity to get to know the real me. So many blogs out there belong to humans, I thought it was about time for a dog to give it a try.

Where shall I start...well, my name is Bosley. I was born in mid June 2004, somewhere in central Texas. When I was about 5-6 weeks old I was separated from my parents and littermates and placed with human parents outside of Austin, TX. They gave me my name because of the movie "Charlie's Angels". They actually planned on getting 3 more girl pugs and naming them after the angels. Pretty funny huh? Me and 3 ladies. Would have been nice.

6 weeks is pretty early to take a pup away from his family, and as a result I suffer from a bit of anxiety around other dogs. Truth is, other dogs kind of scare me. They are so smelly and loud and I would much rather spend my time chatting over a cup of coffee with people. I'm alot more comfortable with humans....most of the time I think I am a human, actually. Or as close as a pug can be to one, I suppose.

My Texas mom was pregnant when I was still pretty new to their family. She was in over her head trying to take care of me and the new baby so they decided it would be best to give me to another family who didn't have any kids. It was really nice of them to look out for my best interest. As it turned out, some people in upstate NY wanted me. I was told that I was going to go for a long ride (I LOVE car rides) and that when it was over I'd have new owners that could give me alot of time and love. I told them that these new people sounded alright, so I agreed to it.

That was one long, miserable ride. In a truck nonetheless. In the middle of the summer. No windows. I was surrounded by all sorts of dogs in crates who just whined the entire time. How's a pug to nap if there's all this barking around? Finally in July 2005 I arrived at my new home. I was so wound up from being in that truck that when I first entered their house, I ran around in circles for an hour or so, just to work off all the pent up energy. The new house is pretty great- I have alot more space, my own bean bag chair, I'm allowed on all the furniture, I have a yard to myself, and they feed me tasty organic food. I'm pretty spoiled.

It took me a while to adjust though. I didn't understand their northern accents at first so it was hard to follow commands. But gradually I've gotten to be more comfortable, and dare I say it, bold. I like to test their limits, but they don't seem to phased by it so its no fun. Well, thats enough for now. I'll write more later, so check back. Susan and Shawn will be home around 5:15 so if I'm going to nibble on one of Shawn's socks, I best do it now.