Forgive me

Please forgive the lapse in posting. This blindness thing makes it hard for me to type out entries. Susan has been so busy that I didn't want to bother her with helping. But today we have a little time. Its been a nice spring and summer. Shawn and Susan paired me up with Will, a dogwalker who adores me. I see will at least twice a week and we play. On the days I don't see Will, the 4 of us go out for evening walks. Andrew is the new leash-holder of the family and though occasionally he bumps into me, it works out alright. My main problem now is that Andrew can climb up on furniture, including the chair which I claimed long before he was born. See photo. So sometimes I end up napping on the floor. Photo again. But I suppose if that's the worst of it, I can't really complain.